The Path to Lash Success: 3 Ways to Grow Your Career as a Lash Technician

The Path to Lash Success: 3 Ways to Grow Your Career as a Lash Technician

Your career in the beauty industry can be very rewarding. Within that path, there are also many opportunities for growth. But where to start? Here are 3 ways you can grow as a lash technician, and remember that we are here to support you on your journey and cheer you on!

Finding Your Niche

When you are just starting out as a lash technician, or even while you are still in school, you may find yourself dabbling in everything. Keeping an open mind may help you see what suits your strengths, as well as the parts that don't come as easily. As you set out on your own, it can be helpful to lean further into the parts you and your clients best enjoy. This may be a certain style lash design or the way you hold a conversation with your customers. As you continue to get experience, you'll have the opportunity to develop your niche as a lash technician so you can create great client experiences and find even more success in your career.

Continuing Education

Another way to continue to provide the best service to your clients is by doing further training. For instance, Ch'i Lash offers Advance Courses in several areas, including our Business 101 Course and Educator's Training Course.

If you are starting your own lash business, it may feel overwhelming and you may not know where to start. The Business 101 Course is a great way to join a support network of driven business owners and learn from those that have already walked the path so that you can avoid some of the pitfalls of inexperience.

This weekend is an excellent opportunity to get some of our Advanced Courses on sale, including $100 off the Lash & Lift Course, $150 off Business, Classic, Volume, & Lash Mapping/Artistry Courses, and an extra $100 off any (2) - Classic, Volume, & Lash Mapping/Artistry Courses! Check out our shop for all the details. The sale ends at 11:59 PM on November 28th.

Becoming an Instructor

One of the final ways to grow as a lash technician is to become a Lash Instructor. There is something so rewarding in helping others create their own path to success with a career in lashes! It is a great way to stay up-to-date on best practices and techniques and an opportunity to give back and share your knowledge and experience with the next generation of technicians.

So if you've found yourself leaning into helping your fellow technicians grow and wanting to cheerlead them while they are on their own journeys, becoming an instructor may be a fulfilling path in your lash career.

So those are 3 ways to grow your career as a lash technician. Work at your own pace, find the things that feel right, and know that we are here to support you on your journey to success!